What’s Your North Dakota IQ?
I've lived in the Peace Garden State all but two long years of my life! (I took a radio job in southern California back in the day) I'm North Dakota to the core. Even the two years I lived outside the state, all I could think of was how do I get back to North Dakota?
Well, I got my wish and my roots are deep. I came across this quiz online. "How North Dakota Are You?" Needless to say, I nailed it. 100 percent. I know my state well, from the Red River Valley, to the James River Valley, the Missouri River, to the Badlands and all points in between.
Not only geography, but our "sayings" and "customs". Yep, it's a unique lifestyle and only a certain kind of person can handle it for more than a year or two. Case in point, winter storms in mid October. Anyway, lets see how you do. CLICK HERE to test your knowledge on North Dakota!
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