Local Restaurant Helps Neighbor Out To Keep The Doors Open
Last week Butterhorn210 decided to do what any good neighbor would do and they helped Noodlezip out. Many people don't realize how good of a neighborhood we truely live in. It's great that Butterhorn210 would donate a portion of their sales to help out Noodlezip.
There's a lot of places around the country that would never do that for their neighbor. I think if we all thought about our neighbors in the residential areas we'd realize that our neighbors really have done a lot of great things for us. This always doesn't have to be from a financial stand point. It could be as little as letting the neighbor know their headlights got left on or mowing the neighbors grass.
I'm proud to live in a great city that has local businesses helping each other out through this difficult time and deciding to give a portion of their sales just to help the place next door out. That is awesome and you don't hear about that everyday. We have all had a rough going this year in 2020 with the coronavirus. A lot of places are hurting and this truly was an act of kindness to do that for the neighbor.
There's been a lot of bars and places closing lately due to the virus and a staff member getting the virus and anytime you close for a couple of weeks that really hurts the pocketbook due to not having that income flowing in. Here's a link to the go fund me page to help out Noddlezip
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