Let’s Play Ball, McQuades Softball Tourney Is This Weekend
You'll notice a couple of things this weekend in the Bismarck-Mandan . It's McQuades Annual Slow Pitch Softball Tournament weekend.
And with the tournament in town, you'll notice the eateries will be busy. There will be plenty of traffic around town and many of those drivers will not know where they are going, so drive carefully.
You'll also notice the bars will be packed with a lot of testosterone!
On a bright note, the river will be free of congestion, so go for it!
If you have guests or friends coming in for the tournament, now is the time to book an accommodation. As of press-time, rooms are still available, but expect to pay 30-45% more than the average nightly price.
For example, America's Best Inn and Suites, through Hotels.com, you can normally book at an average rate of $50 a night with breakfast included. This weekend, you'll pay $89 per night.
You can also try Airbnb, as of press time, only 6 houses were available, but the cheapest I found was $79 a night for an entire house.
Welcome to Bismarck players and teams!
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