Cruise Night In Bismarck
One of everyone's favorite nights of the month is cruise night on main in Bismarck. All the classic cars come out on the first Tuesday of every month and cruise Main in Bismarck. Some people cruise every Tuesday in the summer months. I've been attending them for years and they are always are a blast, and you never know what kind of vehicles are out cruising. Many people start cruising at six P.M. and they just go up and down Main Street in Bismarck.
The great thing about cruise night is everyone is welcome and people drive all kinds of newer vehicles also and everyone just cruises and has a great time. When you're cruising you also get to take a walk down memory lane with all the classic cars. You have cars from the 1930's all the way to 2020 cruising Main. With gas prices as low as they are it's pretty inexpensive to cruise Main Street in Bismarck. Everyone has fun, but occasionally people have to much fun and get pulled over by the cops. You have some people that drag race also while cruising.
My dad has a classic 1956 Ford two door customline 500 and we occasially cruise in that and if we aren't cruising we just sit in a parking lot and watch all the other classic cars cruise.I hope this tradition continues for a long time and for many generations to come because there's a lot of history that's involved in cruise night. It's definitely a great time for all and with all that's going on now it's a nice escape from reality.