What are you willing to pay for your protein Bis/Man?
Meat is on the menu!
Just the other day we were doing our weekly shopping spree stocking up on supplies. And obviously, we are big meat-eaters. Beef, pork, chicken, fish, wild game, you name it, it's in our freezer and on the menu. We are lucky in many ways because are able to procure lots of our own protein sources, but many times we find ourselves having to purchase those meats from the grocery store.
Here is our beef
If you are like us, you get sticker shock when you head to the meat counter. Let's back up just a bit. We eat a lot of eggs. In fact, we eat eggs every day. And we purchase cartons at a time. Now, the price increase for a carton of eggs is considerable compared to a couple of years ago but can we afford $.50 to a dollar, yes. But here is our beef. Let's take a look at bacon. Wow, in many cases it is a 50% increase!
The facts.
According to the Bureau of Labor, back in February chicken breasts hit a 16-year high per pound. The United States Department of Agriculture reported a 15% increase in retail meat prices across the board in March of this year. When we throw the pandemic situation into the mixing pot and stir that one, CNBC says there was a 20% increase in beef prices from October 2020 to October 2021.
If the cash lasts
So yes, most of us in Bismarck - Mandan, North Dakota, and anywhere for that matter, can afford to pay a dollar more for a carton of eggs. But when you start throwing an extra dollar here and there, spend a few more for this item and that on the grocery list; before you know it, your supply list just took all your cash.