Waitress Fired For Tweeting About Slim Tip From Jason Aldean
What happens when you Tweet about Jason Aldean and a small tip? You get fired!
According to Fox News, Aldean stopped in at a Black Sheep Burrito and Brews, in West Virginia after a concert and ordered a bunch of burritos for his crew. The bill total about $600. According to one restaurant employee, the group left a small tip which angered another employee. That employee did the unthinkable duty of going to Twitter and venting her frustration with the tip. A few days later, she was an x-employee of Black Sheep Burrito and Brew.
We don't know the amount of the tip and what we do know is a spokesperson for the restaurant said the employee was fired for Tweeting about a customer, which is against the establishment rules for employees.
No one from the Aldean camp responded to the Tweet, and according to reports, a co-employee brought the Tweet to managements attention, thus the termination.
A spokesperson for Aldean did confirm the large order of food, and said the tip was appropriate.
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