Update: Bismarck Mandan Public Schools In Person Classes
Well, there was a lot of misinformation and fear mongering done by certain media outlets yesterday. After Governor Doug Burgum made the announcement that he was moving several counties in the state to "Orange", (Including Burleigh and Morton) reports were coming out that the state was getting shut down. "Personal care services are to close, food service operations are limited to takeout or delivery." "Only essential work and travel are open." "Schools are closed and back to distance learning."
Those are some of the bogus headlines that graced social media pages yesterday. Thankfully, they're not true. If you want to see what "Orange" really means CLICK HERE. Our Kori B got the story right. So, lets get back to school in Bismarck Mandan. What does the "Orange" COVID-19 threat really mean for our education system? To be honest, not much will change. According to a press release from Bismarck Public Schools, after Governor Burgum's announcement that Burleigh County's COVID-19 risk level has been updated to Orange or High Risk. As, a result, Bismarck Public Schools will "delay" bringing students in grades 6-9 back to school full-time face-to-face learning on October 19. The key word there is "delay." When the coronavirus cases get back under control, you can expect face to face learning to go full-time. Secondary schools will continue with the current full-time, face-to-face instruction. Secondary Schools will send out information on revisions to the Hybrid Model, which will increase targeted supports for students with academic and social-emotional learning needs.
According to my son, who's a Jr. at Bismarck High School, several teachers had told him, the plan was to get grades 10-12 back to face-to-face learning on November 2nd. However, you can bet this has been pushed back too. I believe Bismarck Public Schools wants to see how the data goes with grades 6-9 first before they start up 10-12. So, that's the schools situation in both Bismarck and Mandan for now. Let's hope we don't see the color "Red" or the "you know what" will hit fan.
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