The SAFEST Cities In North Dakota
According to an article on-line from Safewise, North Dakota's safest city is Hazen. This is Safewise's 3rd annual report for the year 2020.
I think people tend not to worry a whole lot about crime in North Dakota. Which is certainly different from much of the country. I was surprised to find out in the article the most common violent crime in North Dakota is aggravated assault. This makes up 73% of all violent crimes in North Dakota and 75% in the top 10 safest. Only 30% of North Dakotan's worry about being victim to a violent crime from a stranger, while that percentage is 40% nationwide.
So what is the most common crime us North Dakotan's fear the most? As somebody who is a home owner, I would concur. It's somebody breaking into your home while your gone, according to the article.
In all my years of living in North Dakota, (knock on wood) I've never had somebody break into my home. However, this spring at our lake cabin in South Dakota it was a different story. We've had kids shoot out our front window before with a pellet gun. That was very upsetting and disturbing. This year it was taken up a notch. Somebody or some people attempted to break into our cabin. They cut the screen on one of the windows and then preceded to use a rock or brick from our landscaping and break the window to enter. They broke one of the double-pane windows but for some reason the second window held. We're not sure if they got scared or something else prevented them from entering our home. The home next to us had it's glass door broken and they did enter the home. Needless to say we have since installed camera's in and around our cabin.
So here are the top 10 safest cities in North Dakota according to Safewise:
Hazen, Beulah, Lincoln, Stanley, Harvey, Rugby, New Town, Lisbon, West Fargo & Wahpeton. And, in case your wondering. Bismarck came in at #18 and Mandan at #20.
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