The Richest Celebrity From Every State
Here is something new to me! If someone would ask me who the richest celebrity in North Dakota is, I'd say Carson Wentz or Josh Duhamel. I would be wrong!
According to GoBizRates.com, the richest famous person from every state was published last week including the richest person from North Dakota, I am embarrassed to say, I have never heard of this famous person. That only means I live under a rock I presume.
GoBizRates.com researched famous people that were either born or currently live in each state.
For example, the state of Iowa, the person is Ashton Kutcher and Louisiana is Ellen and Minnesota is Bob Dylan. The most famous, richest person from Texas is Beyoncé. You can see the entire list here.
North Dakota's honors go to rapper Wiz Khalifa, aka Cameron Jibril Thomaz was born in Minot and has a net worth of $45 million dollars, thanks to several #1 hits songs like "Black and Yellow." Wiz was raised in Pittsburgh and lives in Los Angeles.
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