Dangerously COLD Predicted For Bismarck and North Dakota
It is not too often the National Weather Service uses terms like dangerously or deadly or life-threatening, but with the cold weather predicted in the next 24-48 hours, the NWS are using these terms.
A WIND CHILL ADVISORY is in effect for a majority of the state, this will be enhanced to a WIND CHILL WARNING, in effect from 6 pm (CST) today (Dec.29th) and will remain in effect until Monday.
This means exposed skin can experience frost bite in as little as 10 minutes. Wind Chill values can be as low as minus 55 in some areas, and the cold chills will move from north to south Friday, with Minot and surrounding areas experiencing the cold wind chills first, them, the cold air and wind chills moving south to the Bismarck area.
This is a LIFE THREATENING weather system. We can expect off and on snow showers for the next 24 hours.
Actual temperatures will be in the minus 20-25 degree range in the evening hours Friday and Saturday.
A Wind Chill Warning or Advisory means the combination of very cold air and the wind will create dangerously low wind chill values. Frost bite can occur quickly and even hypothermia or death if precautions are not taken.life
Be sure to check on the elderly, have a safety kit in your car if you must travel and make sure pets and animals have shelter, food and fresh water.
The counties effected include Divide-Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Williams-Mountrail-Ward-McHenry-Pierce-McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-Oliver-McLean-Sheridan-Wells-Foster-Billings-Stark-Morton-Burleigh-Kidder-Stutsman-Hettinger-
Grant-Sioux-Emmons-Logan-La Moure-McIntosh-Dickey.
Warming temperatures will send relief for the start of 2018. Look at it this way, summer is only 170 days away!
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