North Dakota Memorial Day Weekend Rainfall Totals
Although rain during a holiday weekend is never what most people like to see, recent rainfall totals have surely taken a bite out of the drought conditions.
This past Memorial Day weekend was far from a "washout" but steady rains over the last few weeks literally wiped away the drought from most of the state. Especially in northeast North Dakota where it was previously one of the most moisture-deprived areas in the state is now drought-free.
Here is the latest drought conditions map from the U.S. Drought Monitor.
Only a very, very small area in extreme southwest North Dakota is now considered to be in a drought status.
Virtually our entire listening area in south-central and southwest North Dakota is now considered to have adequate moisture.
That is really good news to combat wildfires, and for our farmers as they are planting their crops.
We had several shots of rain over the Memorial Day weekend in North Dakota (even significant snows on Friday) and here are the rainfall totals from weather.us over the last 72 hours from Friday, May 24th to Sunday, May 27th.
North Dakota rainfall totals:
Bismarck received .75 inches of rain.
Mandan received .81 inches of rain.
Lincoln received .73 inches of rain.
Menoken received .25 inches of rain.
Driscoll received .38 inches of rain.
Wing received .91 inches of rain.
Wilton received .59 inches of rain.
Tuttle received 1.28 inches of rain.
Lake Tchida received 1.31 inches of rain.
Elgin received .63 inches of rain.
Hazelton received .48 inches of rain.
Strasburg received .38 inches of rain.
Jamestown received .48 inches of rain.
Fargo received .93 inches of rain.
Petersburg received 1.60 inches of rain.
Grand Forks received .88 inches of rain.
Minot received .48 inches of rain.
Dickinson received .31 inches of rain.
Walhalla received 2.21 inches of rain. (The highest total in the state)
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