You Do Know That You’re Not Supposed to BYOB On Flights
You Do Know That You're Not Supposed to BYOB On Flights. Apparently a lot of people don't care and I don't blame them. For many people, flying is the beginning of a vacation, a trip to visit family, a work trip or can be extremely stressful. Any of these reasons are an excuse for people to have a cocktail, beer or glass of wine. Let's face it, I enjoy an adult beverage or two when I'm flying. It relaxes me and makes the flight go faster.
Many people pay book First Class or Comfort plus on Delta or whatever the equivalent is on other airlines for a little more leg room and to have a few cocktails during their flight. It's a small comfort while we are all jammed into a tube for several hours. With Covid 19, all of the domestic carriers and most of the international airlines have suspended their alcohol service in the name of safety.
Oh well, you'll just have to bring your own...not so fast! Did you know that you are not allowed to B Y O B on airplanes? That brings us to today's SOMETHING YOU NEED TO KNOW:
BYOB On Flights: Travel Pulse says airline passengers are sneaking beer and alcohol onto flights because of the coronavirus. Some airlines have stopped serving drinks in order to stop the spread of the virus. People are smuggling booze on board United Airlines, Southwest Airlines and American Airlines flights
During their safety talk, Southwest Airlines flight attendants are telling passengers that they are “prohibited to consume alcohol that you’ve brought.”
So I have to ask, if the airlines aren't offering alcohol on planes because they don't want to pass it out, then what's the harm in bringing your own? I know many people who have come up with ingenious ways to carry on their favorite cocktails. Have you ever brought your own? Care to share your secrets? Just asking for a friend, but I thought this was SOMETHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!
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