What Way Does Bismarck, ND Put Their Toilet Paper Roll On?
What is the correct way to put toilet paper on the roll? This has been debated for many years and I think it's all about personal choice. The two ways are either over the top or behind. I have always put toilet paper over the top. Every time I go to a local restaurant in the Bis-Man area or a hotel the toilet paper is always over the top. I got to thinking that everyone puts the toilet paper on over the top. I had thought that way until I met my girlfriend, she puts it behind.
She would always tell me that smart people put the toilet paper on behind. I told her I completely disagree. I had to inform her that all the places of business that I go to have toilet paper over the front. There was only one time that I went to a hotel and the toilet paper was on the wrong way (behind the back).
What way do you put the toilet paper on? Have you ever switched the toilet paper roll and put it on the the right way? I think this will be a discussion for many years to come and no one will ever have the right answer. The correct way to put the toilet paper on is over the front. What way do you put the toilet paper on?