What Is The Annual Average Salary Of Policemen In North Dakota
There is something to be said about a person who protects our community, serves and protects the local citizens from the bad guys. Not to mention, this person runs into the danger while the rest of us run away from it.
Police officers in our state have a difficult job. They do everything from keeping the peace and enforcing the laws on the books to making our cities and state very safe.
It's not an easy job. Everyday they have to deal with the worst of society. And on many occasions, they give the ultimate sacrifice. When this happens, it effects all of us.
We turn to GoBankingRates.com to research the annual average salary of law enforcement officers in every state.
With just over 1600 policeman and women (including sheriff deputies) in North Dakota, one of the lowest in the nation, the average annual salary is $56,420. The only two states with less police officers in the nation are Montana and Vermont.
We've discovered the range of salaries across the nation range from $35,000 in Mississippi to $73,000 in New York state.
Their job is not an easy one and we thank each and every police officer in Bismarck and North Dakota.