The Cost Of The 12 Days of Christmas Is Up For 2019
actually knew a family that did the Twelve Days Of Christmas every year. I'm pretty sure that it didn't cost this much, but then again, they probably didn't go whole hog either. If YOU want to go all out, here's today's SURVEY OF THE DAY:
12 Days of Xmas Cost For 2019: Here is the breakdown of the 364 items. NBC says the price index for 2019 is $38,993.59, which is an increase of .2% from last year. It would cost $170,298 to purchase all 364 gifts listed in the song.
One Partridge And A Pear Tree, $217.17; down 4.5% from last year
Two turtle doves, $300; down 20% from last year
Three French hens, $181.50; same as last year
Four calling birds (canaries), $599.96; same as last year
Five gold rings, $825; up 10% from last year
Six geese a-laying, $420; up 7.7% from last year
Seven swans a-swimming, $13,125; same as last year
Eight maids a-milking, $58; same as last year
Nine ladies dancing , $7,552.84; same as last year
10 lords a-leaping, $10,000; same as last year
11 pipers piping, $2,748.87; up .8% from last year
12 drummers drumming, $2,972.25; up .8% from last year
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