Re-Open ND Rally At The Capital (PHOTOS)
Several groups got together to organize a "Re-Open ND" protest at the steps of the state capital today.
A hundred or so people gathered this morning at 11am holding signs urging Governor Doug Burgum to "Open the state back up for business." Chants of "Re-Open ND" were echoed throughout the crowd. The Beatles song "Revolution" was being cranked from the loud speakers, as North Dakotan's came from all across the state to attend this event.
I spoke to a Pastor of a church who came from Williston, North Dakota. He also worked in the oil fields until he was laid off from his job. He said "People are really hurting in Williston and all over the state because of the Governor's decisions." Another woman I spoke to came from Fargo who said, "Her job is essential" to her family.
The protest was peaceful but it was evident that people are reaching their wits' ends.