North Dakota’s Craziest Thanksgiving Tradition
Delish published a list of the craziest Thanksgiving traditions for every state, and I must admit, some of these are not that crazy, but it is a holiday, and I must blog about something, so here we go.
Traditions vary from region to region to family traditions. Some may not find some of these examples crazy, it's subjective.
For example, it's not far off the mark in the South, to find a fried turkey on the table, next to fried fish and shrimp for Thanksgiving. It's a natural combination. To acquire this list, Delish compared data from several cooking sites including Betty, and General and determined the most searched item from each site to make this list.
Here are some crazy traditions from around the country-
- Alabama- sausage balls
- Arizona- shrimp recipes
- Florida- pumpkin cheesecake
- Louisiana- cornbread dressing
- Minnesota- green bean casserole
- Montana- oven roasted vegetables
For North Dakota, our wackiest tradition is apple crisp. Here's the recipe.
You can see the entire list here.