North Dakota Has Lost A Beloved Friend…Bullwinkle!
North Dakota has lost a beloved friend...Bullwinkle! It never ceases to amaze me how animals in distress can pull a community together. Whether its our pets, livestock or wildlife, people will put down what they are doing, differences, agendas...push everything else to the side to come to the aid of an animal in need. We saw that this week when a young bull moose was found stuck in the Missouri River. People dropped what they were doing in their busy lives to try to save "Bullwinkle". At the grocery store, pharmacy, getting my oil changed, the doctor's office, everywhere I went this week, it seemed that Bullwinkle was on peoples minds. People had a deep concern of the outcome of rescuing the moose, as did I. I believe we get a greater sense of togetherness and community when there is a rallying point. In our fast paced lives, its good to have something that makes us take pause, a deep breath, and focus together on one thing. Unfortunately, Bullwinkle didn't make it, but the effort was there and it was nice listening to people in a community share a genuine common concern. As my wife always tells me, Always Be Humble And Kind! Bullwinkle stories help us do that and it feels good.
Following rescue from frozen Missouri River, moose euthanized amid failing health.
Despite a multiday effort to save a moose stranded on the icy Missouri River along the Montana-North Dakota border, the animal died Tuesday.
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks euthanized the young bull dubbed "Bullwinkle" by its rescuers after he continued to lie on the riverbank for the third day in a row in the brutal cold, unable to stand.
The agency said putting down the moose was the humane option, as Montana has no facilities that would rehabilitate such an animal due to concerns about disease. CLICK HERE for the full story in the Bismarck Tribune.
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