Does your middle or high school kid like to fish?  Here's a chance for them to compete in the North Dakota Student Angler Federation State Fishing Tournament.  The tournament will take place Saturday, September 12th at Lake Audubon.

Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 6 AM – 2:30 PM
Lake Audubon - Cabin Sites Boat Ramp
All North Dakota high school student anglers are encouraged to participate in the 2021 ND high school state championship at Lake Audubon. The team with the heaviest bag will advance to the 2021 National High School and World Finals Tournament at Lake Hartwell in Anderson, South Carolina in June 2021.
*REGISTRATION ENDS: At Noon CT the day before the event. You must pre-register with tournament director and online by Noon on September 11, 2020.
*CHECK IN BEGINS: 6:00 am CT (Sept 12) Lake Audubon Cabin Sites Boat Ramp
*CHECK IN ENDS: 6:15 am CT
*LAUNCH: 6:30 am CT (Cabin Sites Boat Ramp)
*WEIGH-IN: 2:30 pm CT
*All teams must have 2 student anglers and 1 boat captain
(1 angler must be in grade 9-12 for 2020-21 school year, the second angler needs to be in grade 7-12 for the 2020-21 school year, the boat captain must be at least 19 years of age and cannot fish during the tournament)
*Must pre-register by contacting tournament director at or call/text 701-471-0013
*There is NO tournament entry fee, but ALL student anglers must be members of the SAF (student angler federation) which is $25. If you have concerns about paying the $25 membership, please contact the tournament director, Scott Bullinger, at
*Questions? Contact the director at

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