Mandan Moose Lodge Honors An Old Friend – Our Flag.
I can remember when I was a kid, saluting the flag in school. A special moment to me that embedded just how important it was to show respect and honor our country. Men and women have worn the uniform in the past, making a commitment and sacrifice to keep us safe - so many have lost their lives in doing so. My parents taught me what is right - to NEVER forget the fallen and to always thank those that are serving our country today. The freedom that individuals have to either pay attention to the stars and stripes OR not, was and is provided for them.
This past weekend here in Mandan, an American tradition was held. When I see our flag that has been proudly waving for years, its life coming to an end, North Dakota weather taking a toll and causing old glory to become tattered and worn out, sadly no longer an emblem. Time for retirement. In Mandan, there was a special ceremony. According to KFYRTV, The Mandan Moose Lodge welcomed the Boys Scouts and the AMVETS color guard as they lower the flag before burning it in a respectful, ceremonial way. A nice respectful crowd was there including the Mandan High School orchestra - playing the National Anthem as a new flag was raised brought chills to everyone. Mandan Moose Lodge president Rocky Erhardt said it best "We got a lot of veterans in our lodge. Our moose international is veterans-oriented. We want to honor our veterans and honor people that are in the service,”
It's Always a sad moment for me, an old friend that never left our side - just like so many who paid the ultimate price - I'm proud that there are so many people who feel the same way I do.
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