Bromo is from San Diego, California - and moved to North Dakota in 2014 ( The first time he experienced weather below 30 degrees was in Fargo ) - loves writing about real people who achieve their personal goals and those who make an impact in their community. A perfect day for Bromo is making someone laugh, AND for giving back to anyone who is battling addiction - Bromo's sobriety date is 2/17/09 - and he is extremely proud of it.
Get Ready All You Bismarck Goblins And Ghouls – Saturday!
YOUR Support Is So Important In Our Community
Are You At The “Crossroads” Of Your Life…In Bismarck?
Let The Fun Begin...
Grand Forks Senior Battling Rare Cancer “Heroic Story”
A HUGE Heart ON And Off The Field
UPDATE: On Mandan’s Soon-To-Be-Open Coffee Shop
I Always Say "Bring On the New Business"
Check Out Some New Food Talent In Minot!
Just An Easy Road Trip Away
Watford City’s Talented Rodeo Teen Survives A Horrific Ordeal
A Scary Time For A Watford City Family
Simply Incredible: FREE Dental Care In Bismarck
FREE As In FREE This Friday And Saturday
Your Voice Matters – Bismarck School Board Meeting Tonight
Community Input Sessions on Transportation
Background Check On A “First Date” In Bismarck? Guilty?
Don't Hide Anything Fellas
Can You Relate To These Fears Heading Into A Bismarck Winter?
Are You Ready For Mother Nature's Mood Swings?