Ladies And Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!
Ladies And Gentlemen, Start Your Engines! NASCAR was one of the first sports back after the Covid 19 shutdown, but they put together a plan and came roaring back, albeit without fans, but at least they're back. For many sports fans, it doesn't matter what the sport is at this point, we'll watch just about anything (except soccer, I won't watch soccer...or as I refer to it, Cross Country with a ball, but we'll save that for a later discussion).
Back to racing, good news for fans who like to actually be in the grandstands, Dacotah Speedway in Mandan announced a tentative start date of June 5...WITH FANS! However, there are quite a few changes which they outlined in their press release and is SOMETHING YOU NEED TO KNOW:
If you are sick, have been around someone who is sick, or have underlying health conditions that make you more vulnerable to infection, please stay home and watch from the comfort and safety of your home at www.dacotahspeedway.tv
Tickets will be available for purchase online at www.myracepass.com, at all Red Carpet Car Wash locations and at the front gate.
Upon arrival at the facility, please proceed to the ticket window and show your ticket. If there is a line, please maintain 6 foot social distancing.
Social distancing protocols should continue to be followed throughout the facility - and avoid handshakes and high fives.
Cloth face coverings are strongly recommended.
Hand sanitizer stations will be made available if they are available. Everyone is encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer with them.
Please sit at least 6 feet from other groups. Families will be allowed to sit together. If you do not live together, please do not sit together.
Concessions will be open with additional precautions. Plexiglass dividers will be installed at the windows for everyone's protection. Please do not reach across the dividers except to exchange payment or product. Concession employees will be wearing face coverings and gloves and will change them as necessary.
Each concession window will have two people working. One will handle payment, the other will handle the food product. This will keep cross contamination to a minimum. When paying, please do not hand cash or cards directly to the staff. Please place payment on the counter and allow staff to pick it up from there.
Water fountains will be turned off as these create high risk situations for transmission of viruses.
Bathrooms will be open and will have designated "Enter" and "Exit" doors. Please follow these to mitigate the risk of contamination.
Bathroom doors will be propped open to avoid creating contaminated touch surfaces. Staff will routinely go through the bathroom facilities throughout the night to disinfect all high touch surfaces such as toilet handles and faucets.
Please make extra effort to maintain social distancing in lines for the concessions or bathrooms.
When racing concludes, extra exit points will be opened in order to give guests extra choices on where to exit to promote social distancing.
The pits will not be open for the fans to visit at this time.
It will be absolutely mandatory for anyone (Drivers AND Crew) wanting to go into the pits to pre-purchase a pit pass online through www.myracepass.com. If a pit pass is not purchased in advance, no admission will be granted. This will be strictly enforced. No exceptions will be made. Pit passes must be purchased before 3:00pm on Fridays.
Anyone coming to the pit gate will be required to bring their own pen. This will prevent creating highly contaminated shared touch surfaces by sharing community pens.
Once pulling into the facility, no one should leave their vehicles until they arrive at their designated pit area. This means no gathering at the pit shack area, and no leaving your vehicle in the parking lot or track areas.
A volunteer will be waiting at the pit shack area to hand you a clear plastic bag. This bag will contain:
An insurance waiver form from K&K Insurance
A COVID-19 release form from K&K Insurance
In the event anyone is 16 years of age or younger, a minor release form
A driver profile form
A transponder or raceceiver if one is being rented
The number of wristbands you specified when you registered online
All forms must be filled out and returned. Once they are returned, a volunteer will process your entry and draw your number for your starting position.
Once registered, vehicles will be allowed into the pit area. Trailers should be parked 6 feet away from each other to allow for social distancing.
Social distancing protocols will be required to be followed and cloth face coverings are strongly recommended to be worn at all times in the pit area.
The normal pit meeting will not be held. Instead, notes may be included in your registration packet, and additional information may be given by holding a pit meeting that can be listened to on the raceceiver system or on 99.1 FM
Drivers will not do their own draws or re-draws. These will be done by a track volunteer to avoid creating high touch surfaces.
Victory Lane interviews will not be held. A picture will be taken in victory lane of the winner.
All attendees will have one hour to leave the premises following the final checkered flag. No loitering will be permitted.
And wash your hands frequently throughout the night.
If you have questions about any of these protocols or need assistance purchasing pit passes/tickets online, please let us know!
So Ladies And Gentlemen, Start Your Engines! Dacotah Speedway will hold a Tune & Test on Saturday, May 30...SOMETHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!
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