Follow The Money…It’s NOT Coming From North Dakota!
Follow The Money...It's NOT Coming From North Dakota! Don't get me wrong, I'm a big supporter of the ability to have initiated measures in North Dakota. I view it as another way for voters to be heard. However, when I say voters, I should clarify that to mean residents, as in the people who live in North Dakota who want to change or create a law via a Constitutional measure.
Not dissimilar to "Marcy's Law" or any number of initiated measures pushed to get on the ballot recently, many of them are not being promoted for North Dakotans, BY North Dakotans and can be misleading to residents. Take for example today's SOMETHING YOU NEED TO KNOW:
FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) - North Dakota’s secretary of state says he’s received complaints of a petition drive using deception to collect signatures. The mission of North Dakota Voters First is to modernize the election system, according to Senior Campaign Advisor Amy Jacobson, “We are asking voters if they would agree with us on putting this measure on the ballot."
There are five different measures the group wants to add to North Dakota’s constitution. One is extending the voting window for deployed military members to send in their mail-in ballots from 46 days to 60 days before an election. “It would require paper ballots. We already have that. We already have an audit system in place. It would essentially do away with the primary system by party,” North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger said.
Jaeger added that he’s taken in complaints daily from people that the group is being dishonest. “They indicate to us they've been approached by a circulator and what the circulator indicates is only one part of a very complex petition,” Jaeger said.
Here's where part of the problem lies. Signers are reportedly only hearing the proposal on the military and who wouldn't sign something that's good for the military, especially in North Dakota.
Another measure on the petition is taking away the power of legislature to redraw districts after a census count. Instead, the newly formed ethics commission would have that authority.
Jaeger said people have asked him to nullify their signatures, something he doesn’t have the power to do. Despite calling itself North Dakota Voters First, campaign finance data showed the majority of its funds are coming from people in Colorado, Texas, and Massachusetts, NOT North Dakota.
The bottom line, know what you're signing, why you're singing it and who you're signing it for, North Dakotans or someones out of state agenda. Follow The Money...It's NOT Coming From North Dakota...SOMETHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!
If you signed that petition and want your signature removed, you can email the organization at info@northdakotavotersfirst.org.
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