City Of Bismarck To Get A New Nature Park
BISMARCK, N.D. - According to KFYR-TV Ducks Unlimited has plans for a new nature park in Bismarck.
Ducks Unlimited wants to transform the land to the east of its office into a place for outdoor recreation. After fundraising for the past year, staff is preparing to purchase the property.
The City of Bismarck contains 63 parks, and soon it'll be home to one more.
"I think more parks is always a good thing," said Bismarck resident Farrah Heitkamp.
The employees at Ducks Unlimited have been working to make this a reality for over a year.
"It's a real team effort here at Ducks Unlimited. People that do fundraising and communications. All of us live in the community and want to see the park be successful," said Ryan Taylor, director of public policy for the Great Plains Region at Ducks Unlimited.
The 120 acre park will nestle between Burnt Boat Drive and Clarmont Road.
The spot contains wetlands and native prairie and would feature miles of trails and possible playgrounds built into the landscape. It will be a place families can go out and enjoy nature.
However, the park won't come without a price. Ducks Unlimited has raised about 80 percent of the $1.75 million needed to purchase the park and make improvements. If you'd like to donate, you can contact the Ducks Unlimited Office at 701-355-3500.
Ducks Unlimited plans to transfer the park over to the Bismarck Parks and Recreation Department once the land is purchased and ready to use.
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