Bismarck Mandan’s Most Annoying Road
There's a road in Bismarck that will drive you nuts.
Well, as you may recall from a few of my previous posts. I like to get where I'm going in a short amount of time. No, I'm not a speed demon, and I rarely drive more than 5 miles per hour over the speed limit. I can't remember the last time I got a ticket (knock on wood), but I know it's been many years. I'm also a safe driver with pretty much a perfect driving record. As you can tell by now, I'm setting this up for something.
Yes, I do have a hint of road rage.
My biggest issue? I'm extremely busy and living 20 minutes away from work, time is of the essence. There's a road that I'm forced to take to work living south of Lincoln, that drives me crazy. There are two stretches of it, and one is much worse than the other. I'm talking about YEGEN road. This road will test any sane driver's patience. I'm going to break this road down into two parts. The stretch from Lincoln road goes south and west around the airport. This portion is easier to tolerate, and thankfully it's the one I drive the most to work. The other part of Yegen road goes north and west around the airport, and has a very weird right or left turn depending on the direction traveling. It's not a 90-degree turn, it's more like an 80-degree turn. Nobody is sure if they should signal or not, and there's no stop sign. Just plain weird.
As I mentioned, the portion that goes south and west of Yegen road is easier to travel. The speed limit is 55 mph with several curves around the airport, but you can pass if you get a Sunday driver in front of you...And that happens often. I don't know if it's all the winding roads or what, but people always drive 5, 10, 15 even 20 miles SLOWER than the speed limit on Yegan. The portion going north and west of Lincoln road is wayyyyy worse. It's 55 but again for some reason, people like to drive 35. I'm not kidding and there's no place to pass. Pretty much a no-passing zone to Expressway. If you didn't know better, only student drivers take this road, because people drive so slow. Yes, it has curves, but the speed limit is 55 for a reason. Experienced drivers should be able to navigate it. It's a head-scratcher for sure, and it never fails. I always seem to get behind a "slow-poke" on this stretch.
So do yourself a favor if you can. Avoid this road if at all possible.
That's unless you truly enjoy a Sunday stroll on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or whatever day it is.
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