What Type of Booze Is North Dakota Googling for St. Patrick’s Day?
May the luck of the Irish be with you for St. Patrick's Day, which is Friday, March 17th. Being the Green Day is on a Friday this year, I'm sure many of us will take advantage of the day off into the weekend.
So do you plan to partake in some form of alcohol spirits? Thanks to the folks at High Speed Internet.com, they shared some information with us, as they know what every state in the country is Googling for St. Patrick's Day. When we say they know what we're searching for, we're talking about what booze each state is searching for the most.
In North Dakota, we're searching for Irish Whiskey! And this search includes both men and women.
Yes indeed, we like to celebrate the day like hardcore Irish men and women!
By all means, do it responsible and safe.
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