Twitter Now Gives You More Room to Express Yourself
Effective today, Twitter is now giving you more characters to express yourself. If you have a lot to say, you'll have double the space to say it!
Twitter first tested the new 280 characters in limited areas, and now, effective today, most accounts will get double the space to express themselves. According to Fortune.com, Twitter data proves only a small number of tweets with a higher than average character count in the trail period. That number is as low as 5% in the trail period. Never the less, Twitter has decided to double the character space.
Remember the old saying, "give them an inch, they'll take a mile". I'm of the opinion, once Twitter users realize they now have double the space to say whatever, they'll use it.
If you do not have access to the new 280 characters on your Twitter account in Bismarck, give it time, it's being rolled out to all users.
President Trump will sure welcome the extra room to express his thoughts.
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