Till Death Do Us Part: Do North Dakota Marriages Last?
Let's face it, marriage is a dicey proposition at best.
According to LegalJobs the divorce rate in America ranges between 40 and 50 percent. I myself have been divorced. A good share of my friends has gone through the BIG D. It's something that can really mess you up both mentally and financially. You have to wonder why anybody would want to go through that potential heartache in the first place. Yet, somehow that is part of the American dream for most. To grow old together with somebody that loves them. Sitting on a porch sippin' on some lemonade with your grandkids.
Coventry Direct recently did a study on the states that do the best job at "Growing Old Together." They used data from the United States Census on the number of separated, divorced, and married men and women, aged 55 and older in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. They then based it on the state's population.
So, how did North Dakota do when it comes to growing old together in marital bliss?
Again, many of the couples I know in North Dakota have been divorced at least once. That's why I was somewhat surprised that North Dakota is one of the BEST when it comes to couples who stay together. The Peace Garden State ranks number THREE in the nation with most married adults 55 years of age or older. Only Wyoming at number two and Utah at number one ranks ahead of us. In fact, all of the states in the upper Midwest scored well. Minnesota came in at number nine. South Dakota at number five, and Montana at number six.
Yep, marriage in North Dakota more than likely means "Till Death Do Us Part."
Whether you like it or not.
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