Scheels Critter Of The Day.
Win a $20 dollar gift card to Scheels each weekday at 8:20am, 3:20pm and 4:20pm when you know the Scheels critter of the day. Please check back here weekdays after 8:00am, as the Scheels critter of the day changes. Simply be the 10th caller when promoted on air and know the Scheels Critter of the day to win.
All winners will be in the drawing for the grand prize. A $500 dollar Scheels gift card to be given away on Friday, December 13th at 4:20pm. So, when you win, you become an instant finalist for the grand prize. Listen for your name to be announced on Friday, December 13th at 4:20pm.
So here is the Scheels of the Critter of the day:
Friday, December 13th-Mallard
So listen three times daily and be sure to know the Scheels Critter of the day to win a $20 dollar gift card to Scheels and be qualified for the grand prize. $500 dollars at Scheels just in time for Christmas.