North Dakota Just Made Another List
North Dakota just made another list and if you're single, it's NOT one you want us on. It's common knowledge that the worst state to be in if you are a single guy is Alaska. Conversely, if you are a single gal then Alaska is the place to be...Alaska has way more men than women in the state. Out of all the different categories that went into compiling these rankings, North Dakota placed last for things to do and first for the most inexpensive dates...so we have that going for us on today's Survey Of The Day:
Top 10 WORST States For Singles ... according to a new survey by Wallethub based on cost of living, income and number of singles, among other things
1 West Virginia
2 Arkansas
3 North Dakota
4 New Mexico
5 Wyoming
6 Kansas
7 Kentucky
8 Alaska
9 Alabama
10 Mississippi
Top 10 BEST States For Singles ... according to a new survey by Wallethub based on cost of living, income and number of singles, among other things
1 Florida
2 California
3 Texas
4 New York
5 Pennsylvania
6 Ohio
7 Illinois
8 Wisconsin
9 Massachusetts
10 Michigan
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