I'll tell you what, you blink an eye, and some goodness percolates up right around you
This morning was full of fog, damp weather, and ideal chilly conditions for a nice steaming hot cup of JOE, Cup of MUD ( my dad used to call it ) -99.9 % of the rest of us refer to it as coffee. I am one of those people who start their day off with the sound of the coffee pot perking ( is that a word? ) away. Last night one of our sister stations US 1033 received an exciting FB message:

"Hi, just wondering if you have had any updates on when the Buckin' Bean Coffee Shop in Mandan is opening. They just put banners up yesterday saying "opening soon".

When I got to work this morning here in Mandan, nobody seemed to be aware of this place...

...over at 601 1st St NE. So with my very own coffee that I brewed at home, I brought that along with me as I drove over there - snapped a couple of pictures, looked through the windows, and saw a pretty cool place that looked almost ready to go to me. Here in Bismarck and Mandan, anytime we are about to have a new business open, there are usually the few critics that make themselves heard - "We never have enough people who WANT to work..." or this one - "NOBODY supports some of the places that are OPEN now - what makes you think people will support a new business?

Well...A) because it's in a convenient location ( right across the street from Bearscat Bakery )

B) because it's COFFEE




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