How Do You Feel About Assisted Suicide In North Dakota?
There's a new bill floating through the legislature that could make it legal in the state of North Dakota to make an end of life decision. According to an article on KFYR-TV, six Democratic lawmakers and one Republican have put together a bill that would legalize assisted suicide in North Dakota. Currently in the United States of America, there are eight other states that currently allow the practice of assisted suicide. Also known as the Death with Dignity Acts, physician-assisted dying or aid-in-dying laws. Those states include Washington, Vermont, Oregon, New Jersey, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine and Washington D.C.
In order for a person with a terminal illness to be able to choose assisted suicide, the patient must have two doctors determine the patient has a terminal disease before the patient can submit a written request to end their time on earth with life-ending medication.
A terminal cancer patient in North Dakota even testified at the hearing of the bill. "Everyone must be able to make an intelligent and informed decision on when to say enough is enough," said Mark Schneider.
According to the article, The House Human Services Committee ended the hearing taking no actions on the bill. There were several groups speaking in opposition of the bill, including the North Dakota Medical Association. The debate on assisted suicided in North Dakota will likely continue.
Such a difficult subject to even think about, let alone even discuss. I think until you're in those shoes yourself, it's very easy to form an opinion. However, depending on the situation, you could very well be saying, "Enough is enough"!
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