Family Has 141 Year-Old Fruitcake
Everyone makes jokes about Fruit cakes for Christmas. I'm sure you've heard the jokes about them weighing 40 pounds and being good doorstops or being passed down from generation to generation, because they never spoil...ALL TRUE! My Godmother actually makes a great Fruit cake. I think hers was so good because of the amount of bourbon or brandy she puts in it. The alcohol is also one of the reasons the darn things live longer than Twinkies. Even though I have to give her credit, I still only pick out the red cherries and a few of the walnuts. Does your family have a Fruitcake tradition like Julie Ruttinger does?
Family Has 141 Year-Old Fruitcake: Julie Ruttinger, of Tecumseh, Michigan, will be placing a 141 year-old fruitcake on her Christmas dinner table. Her great-great-grandmother, Fidelia Ford, baked the cake in 1878. Ford died before having the chance to eat the cake. Her family had the fruitcake preserved as a way to honor her.
I do have to say, I've seen worse centerpieces.
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