Bismarck PD Looking For Help To I.D. Man Who Kicked Kitten
According to a Facebook post from the Bismarck Police Department, they are looking for help at identifying a man who allegedly kicked and killed a kitten. He then picked up the animal and threw it behind a trailer.
Here's a video from the Bismarck Police Department. It does not show the actual kick. Can you identify this man?
According to our partners with KX News, Bismarck Police say this is a case of felony animal cruelty in North Dakota. Police are looking for help in identifying the suspect.
However, according to the North Dakota Century Code, 36-21.2-02. Animal abuse - Definition - Exemptions - Penalty. 1. Any person that willfully engages in animal abuse is guilty of a class A misdemeanor for a first or a second offense and a Class C felony for a third or subsequent offense occurring within ten years. 2. For purposes of this chapter, "animal abuse" means any act or omission that results in physical injury to an animal or that causes the death of an animal but does not include any act that is within the definition of animal cruelty, as set forth in section 36-21.2-03.
Either way, a disgusting act, that is very hard to comprehend how any person could do such a thing. There is a special place in hell for people like this.
If you do know who this man is, please contact the Bismarck Police Department and ask for Detective McCarthy at 701-223-1212. (Case#21-21446) If you would like to remain anonymous, text BISPD with the tip to 847411.
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