And Then Come The Ticks, It’s Always Tick Season in North Dakota!
The Time is Now
Hey Crew, Tigger Here. I wanted to share a bit about what happened to BEC and me recently. I am sure that all of you have noticed that the ticks have been out in full force. In fact, that reminds me to give the dogs their flea and tick medicine as soon as I get done writing this. It seems no matter where we go and what we do, we get covered in the little parasitic arachnids. But where do they come from? I mean, have y'all ever seen where these little buggers are in the wild until they are actually crawling all over you? I tell ya what, I will get back to that one in a "tick".
More Than We Thought
Here is a fun fact that may take some by surprise. There are approximately 90 tick species found right here in the good ole United States. Globally, around 850 tick species can be found. I don't know about y'all, but that is a lot of ticks! But I keep coming back to the question if anyone has seen a nest of ticks in the wild? As so many of us in North Dakota know, it seems they can survive about anywhere at any time. I get covered with them every time we head to the ranch at Golden Valley and fish in the Knife River. From the tall grass by the creek to the mowed grass, those creepers always seem to find a way to "hitch a ride" on me, eventually burrowing in, filling up on blood, and fulfilling their life's purpose of becoming "fat as a tick"!
They Are Everywhere
This is where the story gives me the "heebie-jeebies". First, let me tell you that ticks do not drown! Ya! Sometimes they come a crawling from back of the toilet! Ya! So BEC, you can't get mad at me for leaving the toilet seat up. I am just trying to protect you from ticks!