7 Things You Need To Know About Our Toby Keith Listener Party
The OFFICIAL Red Solo Cup Listener Party is happing this afternoon starting at 5 pm. It goes right up until showtime and here's 7 things you NEED to know about our get together.
1. IT'S FREE! In fact, you don't even have to have a ticket for the show to attend. All ages welcome too. Bring the kids out. If you don't have tickets, you could win them here. We have Upgraded tickets and other tickets to giveaway as well.
2. The Party is in EXHIBIT HALL A! That's door E-43.
3. Once you're in the Toby Keith Listener Party, you'll have a SECRET ENTRANCE into the concert. That's right, you won't have to go back outside and stand in line with the rest. We got you covered.
4. FREE Toby Keith coasters while supplies last.
5. WIN an autographed Toby Keith Red Solo Cup! How cool is that?
6. PLENTY of US 103-3 Swag to be given away.
7. PLENTY of RED SOLO CUP Drinks specials.
There you have it. 7 reasons why you and your friends need to make a point to attend the OFFICIAL Red Solo Cup Listener Party with US 103-3! We're also hoping to have a surprise or two lined up for you at the party. Hmmmm, what could it be? Let's just say we are your Country Concert Leader for a reason.
Tell and Text your friends, that you're heading to the Bismarck Event Center from 5 to 7 pm this afternoon for The Official Red Solo Cup Listener Party and "Let's Have a Party!" Nobody has more local winners than US 103-3!
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