Warmer Weather Means Tick and Flea Season for Pets and People
If you have pets, you already know the warmer weather is a welcomed season, but it also means the beginning of ticks, fleas and mosquitos.
Those little pests are nagging problems for your dogs and cats and for us humans.
The CDC has issued a warning on the increase number of illnesses caused by mosquito, tick and flea bites this year. 2018 is on track to become more dangerous for illnesses associated with these pests.
According to the CDC and Market Watch, from 2004 to 2016, diseases from ticks, mosquitoes and fleas have tripled.
For North Dakota, in the last few years, West Nile Virus and even deer tick-based Lyme disease have been on the rise. Not only do the ticks and fleas affect your pet's health, every year, the West Nile Virus make humans sick and even resulting in death.
Now would be the time to protect your pets against fleas and ticks. As for humans, it's time to take the necessary precautions including spraying exposed skin with a repellant and double checking yourself after outdoor activities.
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