Unleashing North Dakota’s Brilliant Upland Game Birds
I admit it. I am a bird brain.
I've always been fascinated by birds since I was a little boy. I didn't need a Game Boy or a video game in the car when my family traveled. I was to busy looking out my window at natures beauty and especially birds. Ducks and geese always gathered my utmost attention. I loved driving through pothole country in northeast North Dakota where I grew up, and admiring the beauty of natures finest waterfowl. I still enjoy watching birds today.
North Dakota has whole another set of beautiful birds.
You see, growing up in Grand Forks didn't give me a whole lot of opportunities to see upland game birds. There is a decent population of Hungarian or Grey Partridge as some people call them, a few Sharp-tailed Grouse, Prairie Chickens and a few escapee Ring-necked Pheasants from the local hunting preserve, but that's about it. Out here in southcentral North Dakota is whole different story. I see pheasants just about every day to and from work. The Chinese Ring-necked Pheasant truly is the king of upland game birds in North Dakota.
The majestic beauty of a pheasant really is something to see.
God sure got it right when he designed these birds. Not to mention, they have some very sweet and tasty flesh, that makes them extremely popular with hunters like myself.
So, here's a look at all of the upland game birds we have in North Dakota. Take a second and enjoy the beauty.
Get To Know North Dakota's Beautiful Upland Game Birds
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