Spring Temperature & Precipitation Outlook For North Dakota
As I drove into work this morning on a balmy 11 below-zero morning, all I could think of.
When will we see some spring-like temperatures?
This is really ridiculous with the snow and cold we have seen so far this winter season. As I type this, we are only 9 inches away from the all-time seasonal snowfall record in Bismarck. That by the way is 101.6 inches of snow. I'm literally running out of places to put snow in my driveway. Not to mention every time the wind blows, I've got 3 to 4 feet of snowdrifts to deal with.
Do we have any glimmer of hope when it comes to a serious March Melting?
Nope, we really don't. Looking at the National Weather Services Climate Prediction Center's long-range 3-month spring temperature outlook it looks like below-average temperatures in March, April, and May (here's that graphic).
The precipitation outlook appears to be about "normal" during March, April, and May.
So, when will we finally see some real melting temperatures? Looking at the long-range temperature forecast from Accuweather, we won't see any 40-plus-degree temperatures until the last couple of days of the month. YIKES!
How about 50-degree spring-like temperatures?
Again, according to Accuweather, it looks like the middle of April before we could see and feel what 50 degrees is like again. Early May should bring us our first 60-degree-plus temperatures.
Considering we are normally already fishing on the river or just about fishing on the river by this time, we certainly are several weeks behind where we typically are for spring.
With this giant snowpack, it's just going to take a lot longer for the sun to do its job. Be patient my friends. Spring will get here eventually.
LOOK: The most extreme temperatures in the history of every state
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