South Dakota Doubling Down On No Mask Mandate
I think a lot of people across the Dakota's and even across the nation, thought South Dakota would adopt a mask policy, after North Dakota's Governor did last Friday Night. Here we are 5 days later, and there's no sign Governor Kristi Noem intends to do the same.
According to an article from the Capitol Journal, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, unlike Governor Burgum, has reportedly made it clear, she has no intention of mandating masks. Governor Noem, even went one step further, if President elect Joe Biden institutes a "Nationwide" mask mandate, she has no intention of enforcing it.
In the article, from the CDC on Saturday continued to show South Dakota with the nation’s second-highest COVID-19 infection rate per 100,000 for the last week at 156.9. This is nearly four times the national average. North Dakota is slightly higher, and leads the nation at 181.7 COVID-19 infections per 100,000 residents for the last 7 days. National average is 43.6, so both states have a lot of work to do.
Governor Burgum said in his video late Friday night, "“Right now, the data demands a higher level of mitigation efforts to reverse these dangerous trends, to slow the spread of this virus and to avoid the need for economic shutdowns." To be honest, it seems like Governor Burgum has faced far more criticism, concerning his decision to put school sports and activities on pause for a month.
Well, see if Governor Kristi Noem will cave, and institute a state wide mask mandate. Governor Burgum switched directions, after saying we could be "North Dakota Smart" and avoid a mandate. In the meantime, the "Dakota's are Divided."
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