Scaffolding Collapses At Construction Site In Mandan ND
I was driving to work the night of the Thanksgiving to get a couple things done at our radio stations on the strip in Mandan, ND. To my surprise as I was getting off the interstate by where Dewise Perry Funeral Home was. I looked to my left and saw the big tower of plastic and scaffleding laying on the ground all messed up.
I had to double take to make sure that was exactly what I was seeing but it was all laying in a pile. I think the wind was to blame for the big tower tipping over. According to the Bismarck Tribune, Matt Kuhne the construction manager for Wild Architecture CRG Construction said a masonary subcontractor is responsible for the scaffolding collapse.
The construction site where the scaffolding collapsed at is to be the new First Community Credit Union. According to the Bismarck Tribune, no one was hurt in the scaffolding collapse. It's never good when anything collpases due to people could get hurt or killed.
The end of the strip where First Community Credit Union is being built has been getting new buildings for the last few years. It's really being built up and one could say it's booming. New businesses moving in and new businesses being built. The Colonial Lounge & Liquor was recently demolishioned and no one knows what's going to be going in that location but when one business leaves another one gets built or moves in.
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