Play Ball! The Bismarck Larks Are Back!
Play Ball! The Bismarck Larks Are Back!
Nothing says Summer like kicking back in the bleachers with a hot dog and cold beverage of choice and watching a little baseball! We are fortunate enough in Bismarck to have our very own Northwoods League team to enjoy exactly that. One of the things that I enjoy most about the league is that it's filled with mostly college players and players who need the reps over the Summer to improve their game and we get to watch their development.
Our Bismarck Larks are one of the newer franchises in the Northwoods League, but have already had alumni make it to bigs. The team has very quickly become a community staple, so the thought of them not being able to play this Summer was heart wrenching. Well good news, as I had a chance to speak with the Bismarck Larks General Manager John Bollinger and he told us SOMETHING YOU NEED TO KNOW:
The Larks have a plan to Play Ball this Summer, even though the ballpark experience is going to look different this year. The Larks Smart Start Plan has been initiated to keep players, employees, fans, and the community safe when attending events at Bismarck Municipal Ballpark.
The plan was put together using ND Smart Restart guidelines, Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health, Bismarck Parks and Recreation, the Northwoods League, and various public health officials. with an emphasis on individual responsibility and will be updated as conditions warrant.
The best part of the Lark's plan is that we are getting two additional Bismarck teams. If you recall, when the Bismarck team was looking to the community for a name, the "Larks" were the winner. The other two monikers in contention were the "Bull Moose" the "Flickertails", this Summer we will have all three!
The Bismarck Larks, Bull Moose and Flickertails will roster 28 players, with a 48 game schedule over 75 days. That's 75 days of glorious sunshine (cross your fingers), hot dogs and a cold beverage. So kick back and Play Ball! The Bismarck Larks Are Back...and Bull Moose...and Flickertails...just SOMETHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!
Click on the link for complete BISMARCK LARK details.
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