Operation Turkey Drop Is On!
Listen to win your very own Thanksgiving Turkey from Walmart South, plus a pair of tickets to see Gwen Sebastian's "Home for the Holiday's" tour on November 30th at Belle Mehus Auditorium.
Somewhere over Bismarck Mandan, US 103-3 will be dropping turkey's from a helicopter now up until Thanksgiving. The turkey will be equipped with parachute and microphone, so you'll hear all the action. If he lands safely you win em'!
It sure to be a "gobble good time" a FREE Thanksgiving Turkey from Walmart south and tickets to see Gwen Sebastian to get your feeling festive as we head in the holidays.
Just listen to play 3 times daily at 8:20am, 3:20pm and 4:20pm and be the 10th caller at 701-663-1033. Operation Turkey Drop. It's as much fun to listen to as it is to play. It's all from our friends at Walmart south and the station that wants to flip you the bird! US 103-3!
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