North Dakota Not Easing Restrictions Until July?
Good Lord tell me this is not true. According to an article on the NPR website North Dakota should not be opening back up fully for business anytime soon. In fact, we should be the last state in the country to open up based on their criteria. July 19th is when North Dakota should ease restrictions. Nebraska on July 3rd is next closest state to North Dakota. South Dakota is June 27th. Minnesota is May 31st. Montana has the earliest opening in our area at May 6th. If these dates were to come true it would be devastating for our North Dakota economy.
According to the NPR article, "States shouldn't open up unless they have a robust system to detect and squash new flare-ups by testing to see who is infected, tracing their contacts, and isolating and quarantining as needed."
Epidemiologists and other health experts are warning states who open up to soon could face grave consequences.
An announcement is expected this week from Governor Burgum and North Dakota easing restrictions. The latest executive order goes through April 30th.