North Dakota American Legion Cancels Baseball Season
I was just telling one of my co-workers, that this past weekend was supposed to be my sons first baseball games of the season for Bismarck High School. If you remember, the weather was actually beautiful and would've been perfect baseball weather. Which is very unusual for March in North Dakota.
The whole scenario made me a little sad. I mentioned it to my son, as I took him fishing instead last Sunday. I could tell it bothered him very much and that the COVID-19 had more than likely taken his Spring baseball season away from him. A season wiped away for an inconceivable reason just a few months ago.
My son Hunter pitching for Grand Forks Central in 2019.
At least he had the American Legion baseball season to look forward to right? More than likely anyway. Well, according to the North Dakota American Legion facebook page. The 2020 Summer season has been cancelled.
Hundreds of disappointed fans urged the North Dakota American Legion on their facebook page to reconsider. The Legion went on to say this on their facebook page post.
As a former North Dakota youth and American Legion baseball player myself, this seems so surreal. I've also been coaching my son's baseball teams since age 5. Jr. Cal Ripken, Cal Ripken & Babe Ruth. I was really looking forward to being just a "Dad" this season. It appears, yet another thing coronavirus has taken away from our youth and way of life.
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