My Kid Out-Fished Me AGAIN!
Finally made it down to our lake cabin this past weekend. Every year it's an adventure to see what went wrong over the winter. We've had some vandalism over the years and this time we found a cut screen on one of the windows. Plus, one of our windows had been smashed with a rock. And for back to back years our mailbox had been knocked over by someone over something. Ah, more of the pleasures of owning a lake place.
Spring usually is some of the best fishing of the year. My kid, who is a self-proclaimed "bass nut" lives for this time of year. He loves the pre-spawn when the big females are hungry and you really have a chance for a trophy.
Saturday was really windy so we were forced to fish from shore. I love catching Crappies this time of year and they usually come into a little pond we fish, that flows into our lake. I picked up a few small ones and lost a pretty big one as I was reeling it in. My son Hunter was fishing for Largemouth Bass and all of a sudden he felt a big tug on his rod. He was using a "Ned Rig" and was expecting to find a decent bass, instead it was a 15 1/4 Crappie that "shattered" our family fish record that we keep in our cabin. Yep, he broke another one of my records that I had previously held, but his excitement was "priceless".
Sunday, was very cold when we launched the boat at another one of our favorite lakes. 37 degrees outside with fog rolling off the water. It felt more like "fall" fishing but we decided to get after it anyway. This time our target was our favorite "Smallmouth Bass". It didn't take long and my son brought in one of the biggest brown bass he had ever caught 5lb 10oz. Not a bad first Smallmouth of the season for us. We went on to catch a handful of nice fish despite the cold front conditions.
Yep, there's nothing like going to the lake. Our "happy place" and especially in these uncertain times.
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