Local Food Drive To Help Those In Need
There are plenty of ways to help each other out in times like these. I've read about many stories about people "Paying It Forward", "Caravans Of Caring", "Random Acts Of Kindness", "Ding Dong Ditching" friends and relatives. My wife has been especially diligent with the latter, dropping Bearscat donuts on doorsteps, ringing the doorbell and running. I've been delivering extra product from the Sara Lee Bread Store to shelters and Bismarck Public Schools to pass out to those who can use a little something extra. Now there is going to be a food drive, organized by the Freedom Riders...
Friday, April 24th from Noon until 6:00pm‼️ Freedom Riders M/C have decided to help the BisMan community with a food drive that will help out a few of our local food pantries and soup kitchensWe will have Trucks and trailers marked with banners at the following 7 locations. BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH CASHWISE Locations/ WILLIQUORS 3025 Yorktown Dr / CENTURY HIGH SCHOOL-East parking Lot / BISMARCK HIGH SCHOOL-East Parking Lot / CENTENNIAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2800 Ithica Dr East Parking Lot / SOLHEIM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 325 Munich Dr.nonperishable food items, hamburger and household supplies would be most appreciated.We need to do our part and practice social distancing so we ask that you personally put your items in the truck box or inside the trailer. Contact Shane Herman (701) 214-1431 or Tim Kellar 701-220-3994. Or go to Freedom for Food community food drive Facebook pageTim Kellar FRMC
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