Limited Attendance To Be Allowed At All Fall Sporting Events
Much like how the back to school in person classes has changed, so has how you will be attending sporting events this coming Fall. It was announced a few weeks ago, that we would be able have 75% capacity at all sporting events to start the year. Well, that has changed.
According to an email obtained from Bismarck Public Schools, you will have to have a voucher for all ticketed events this Fall. (football, volleyball, soccer) How do you get one of those vouchers? That was not clearly defined in the email, but it's believed each roster spot on a team will only have a few to hand out. However, that will depend on the size of venue in most cases. Once attendees have a voucher they can purchase a ticket at the contest. The capacity restrictions of the facility will be determined by the ND Smart Restart guidelines, and will determine the number of vouchers issued for a contest. Season passes will not be available at this time, and employee badges will not grant access to a contest.
So what about non-ticketed events? (cross country, golf, middle school events, tennis etc) Bismarck Public Schools is asking that spectators be limited to no more than two individuals per athlete. Spectators are asked to socially distance to maximum extent possible and to leave immediately following the conclusions of their athlete's event.
Masks will be required for all individuals on Bismarck Public Schools property or events when social distancing cannot be maintained. Live streaming will be used for as many WDA contests as possible.
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