JC Penney in Jamestown is Closing And Savings At 60 % Off
The end is near for JC Penney in Jamestown as the store in the Buffalo Mall is closing at the end of July.
Last weekend, I took a motorcycle trip to Minnesota, and it was cooler than I expected and needed to buy a long-sleeve, up the neck shirt to stay warmer. My plan was stop at a big-box store, but when I passed in front of the Buffalo Mall, I saw the store closing signs at JC Penney. I figured, why not, I just need a cheap, warm under shirt. WOW, I was surprised at the prices, everything in the store, slashed 60% off the regular price. I saved on my shirt, regular priced at $60, got it for $24, and it's something I would wear again.
I was so impressed with the savings, I took the time to walk around the store and made plans to stop on my return trip. Space is limited on my sport-bike, I wanted to make sure I had the space to carry my new purchase back to Bismarck.
Want to save on back-to-school clothing? I suggest taking a day trip 90 minutes East of Bismarck and rack up. I found appliances, clothing (men's-women's and children), jewelry, beauty products, shoes, cosmetics and more. Shop early for the best selection.
If your a business owner and looking for shelves and display cases for your own store, this too is on sale.
I share this information with you only because it is worth a trip to Jamestown to rack up on these savings. Think of back-to school or even stock up for Christmas.
Hurry, the last day is July 31st.
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