Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney issued a "Stay At Home" directive at a press conference Tuesday along side the Mayor of West Fargo Bernie Dardis.  This directive is aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19 in Cass County and North Dakota.  Cass county currently leads the state in coronavirus confirmed cases.

So what exactly is a "Stay At Home" directive?   According to an article in the Fargo Forum it's similar to an ordinance.  It could be compared to "noise ordinance."  It does come with possible ramifications if residents do not comply.  You could be fined up to $200 dollars.  West Fargo's directive does not have the force of the law behind it at the time of this article.

Fargo police will only be enforcing this directive with people who violate gatherings of more than 10 people in public places.  I asked Bismarck Mayor Steve Bakken, is this something that's being done to force the hand of the Governor to order a Shelter in Place for the state? The Mayor of Bismarck told me, "He believes Mayor Mahoney & Mayor Dardis are doing what they feel are best for their communities."  When I asked Mayor Bakken would he consider something like this for Bismarck?  He said, "It's something that could be issued, but we're not at that point?"

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